Hotel Management Glossary
There are currently 9 Glossary Items in this directory beginning with the letter Q.
Quality Inspection Scores
Sometimes called quality assurance (QA) scores, these scores are the result of annual (or more frequent) inspections conducted by a franchise company to ensure that franchisor-mandated standards are being met by the franchisee. In some cases, management companies or the property itself may establish internal inspection systems as well. In general, however, it is the franchise company's quality inspection score that is used as a measure of the effectiveness of the GM, the hotel's management team, and the owner's financial commitment to the property.
A three-month period. Often used to summarize accounting data. Used, for example; in, "What is our sales forecast for the first quarter of next year?"
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.